Sunday, March 30, 2008

free bitty baby knit or crochet patterns

Posted here are some easy knitting instructions for beginners. Ordinarily, stitches are knitted in the same order in every row, and the wales of the fabric run parallel and vertically along the fabric.

When it's time to move on to a more difficult stitch, try out the party wrap pattern. Flat knitting, on the other hand, is used, in its most basic form, to make flat, rectangular pieces of cloth. It is a very simple stitch and usually worked over a multiple of four stitches with two extra.

So, why learn how to knit when you can easily buy finished fabrics in the marketplace? Hand-knitters generally produce right-plaited stitches by knitting or purling through the back loops, i. Different methods of casting on are used for different effects: one may be stretchy enough for lace, while another provides a decorative edging Provisional cast-ons are used when the knitting will continue in both directions from the cast-on.

Get knitting! You also will usually want to stick with chunky yarns (this is a good use for "novelty" yarns, which have lots of texture and are usually thick but also light and fluffy), since they knit up quickly so you can make more presents.

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